Κυριακή 28 Σεπτεμβρίου 2014

Bulgaria goes to the polls (again) | by G.K. | SOFIA

BULGARIA has changed governments four times in the last 18 months. On October 5th Bulgarians will vote for another one. After nearly two years of political instability, which began after anti-poverty protests led to the resignation of the centre-right government of GERB in February 2013, the poorest member of the European Union seems to have come full circle.


GERB and its leader, Boiko Borisov, a former prime minister, are tipped to win more than one-third of the votes even if they will be short of a majority. The Socialists, whose embattled government resigned on August 6th after a year in power marked by mass protests, are distant second with about 22% of the vote, according to Alpha Research, a pollster. The ethnic Turkish party, DPS, which was part of the Socialist cabinet is currently polling third at around 12%. Four more parties are flirting with the 4% threshold to enter parliament, including the rightist Reformist Bloc and the populist “Bulgaria without Censorship” of former journalist-turned-politician Nikolay Barekov(pictured).

Mr Borisov, a burly former firefighter, will thus face a challenge to form a stable government in a starkly polarized parliament. But a stable government is urgently needed in Bulgaria as the country is facing a host of problems, including a still-unresolved failure of a major bank, a sluggish economy and an increasing Russian pressure over a gas pipeline.

The case of the Corporate Commercial Bank (CCB) appears most pressing. CCB, the fourth largest lender in the country, has been closed since June 20th after a run. Alarmed by news reports of dubious deals by the bank’s main shareholder, Tsvetan Vassilev, customers withdrew more than one-fifth of the bank’s deposits. Prosecutors have charged Mr Vassilev, who is currently residing in neighbouring Serbia, with embezzlement. He denies any wrongdoing.

While politicians are still wrangling whether the state should bail it out, let it fail or wait for its shareholders to recapitalize it, the bank’s fate remains hostage to the political vacuum. (An interim cabinet with limited powers it is in power until the elections). More worryingly, over 200,000 depositors have had their money blocked at CCB for more than three months now and hundreds of them have been staging protests in the past weeks demanding access to their accounts.

A significant chunk of the economy, from small firms to much of the country’s military industry, municipalities and schools that have parked their money at the bank, has also been affected. This threatens to derail an already shaky recovery.

Bulgaria has seen its growth prospects falter amid the domestic political uncertainty, poor weather this summer that will affect the harvest and the crisis in Ukraine. That conflict has already resulted in declining exports to Russia and Ukraine because of the trade sanctions. A further tightening of the sanctions (for example, a more rigorous EU visa regime) would badly affect tourism. Russians are the single largest group of tourists in Bulgaria.

But Russia’s engagement in Bulgaria goes way beyond tourism. It supplies as much as 90% of Bulgaria’s natural gas and is deeply involved in its energy sector. Bulgaria is one of the key countries along the route of South Stream, a planned pipeline crossing the Black Sea to bring Russian gas to the Balkans and to Western Europe.

So when earlier this year the European Commission urged Bulgaria to stop work on the Gazprom-led pipeline as it was in defiance of EU rules on energy liberalisation, Russia, in turn, increased its pressure over the country to continue with the work. And although the interim government confirmed in early August that the construction has been frozen, news reports later suggested that parts for the pipeline were still being delivered. “Russia is currently exerting huge pressure over Bulgaria,” said Tihomir Bezlov of the Centre for the Study of Democracy in Sofia. “The Russians still think in their old imperial models.”

Mr Borisov has already declared that Bulgaria would back the South Stream project only if it got the EU's approval. But with the pipeline becoming entangled in the geopolitics of the Ukraine crisis, a quick resolution seems unlikely. The new government, like its last four predecessors, will have a rocky start.

Bulgaria goes to the polls (again) | by G.K. | SOFIA
Sep 25th 2014, 12:06

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