Life in your twenties is one weird, wild emotional roller coaster.
You're finding your first job, getting your first promotion, meeting new
friends, and losing old ones.
Everything is constantly changing, but don't get stuck feeling like
everything is one mistake away from falling apart; the chaos of early
adulthood is totally normal.
Instead of being overwhelmed by the changes around you, there are certain tips and tricks that can help you shift your focus and ultimately feel happier.
There are so many things that make your twenties an amazing period of
time, and it's the good stuff you'll really want to remember. So read
on for 25 ideas on how to live a happier, healthier life as the amazing
20-something you are:
#1.Don't sweat being broke:
Almost everyone your age is having a tough time making ends meet.
#2.Have fun for free:
#3.Master body language:
Learn psychological mind-hacks and read people better.
#4.Make new friends:
Meeting new people is hard after college so give yourself an extra push to be more social.
#5.Build a network:
From friends to coworkers, everyone you meet could help you get your next opportunity.
#6.Learn to cook:
You'll eat better, feel accomplished, and save money.
#7.Try new things:
might find a new hobby you never expected to love. Plus, even if you
don't love it, you'll at least learn something about yourself.
#8.Do something that scares you:
out of your comfort zone whether that means stepping on stage at
karaoke night or going out to dinner alone, always push your personal
#9.Learn the difference between true friends and fake friends:
Then focus on the people who truly love you, and let the others fall aside.
#10.Accept your mistakes:
With so many changes, you're going to make a lot of mistakes. And that's OK.
#11.Step up:
Instead of avoiding those mistakes, do your best to learn from them.
#12.Take good care of yourself:
Eat healthy, sleep well, and get exercise — it really does make a difference.
#13.Be a little selfish:
You deserve to make choices that will help fulfill you.
#14.. . . But not too selfish:
Don't knock others down to get to the top, what goes around does come around.
#15.Remember family time:
Your elders can offer up some pretty good advice, after all, they've lived it first. Plus, if you don't listen now, you might regret it later.
#16.Stop comparing your life to other people's Instagram accounts:
No one is perfect, no matter how great a filter makes everything look.
#17.Expect change:
As hard as it is, your twenties are all about change. Do the best you can to keep your head up and face new challenges head on.
#18.Work hard:
respect and set yourself apart by always remembering to do your best.
Things won't always work out as you hoped, but if you can say you gave
it your best effort, you've accomplished something great.
#19.Talk less, listen more:
all love to share our stories, but the secret to building relationships
is letting others speak first. This simple secret will help you connect
with the people around you.
#20.Remember not to get too serious:
you're officially an adult, that doesn't mean you can't have fun or
laugh at yourself. Life will feel easier if you learn to take things
with a grain of salt.
#21.Pursue what you love:
it's your career or your after-work hobby, make sure there are things
in your life that you love. Carving out the time to read, knit, eat
cheese — whatever, will make life enjoyable every single day.
#22.Love your body:
to look in the mirror and know that you are beautiful. Every so-called
imperfection is what makes you unique and interesting, so wear them with
confidence !
other parts of the world offers you a chance to experience the lives of
others and experience situations that teach you new things about
yourself. Plus, there are so many beautiful places to see.
#24.Don't pressure yourself to fit an ideal:
is on different tracks through life and though you may envy the
successes of others, learn that it's OK to be different. Your successes
cannot be compared to anyone else's.
#25.Appreciate your freedom:
is full of difficult responsibilities, but a huge upside is the freedom
to be yourself and to do what you love. Appreciate how lucky you are to
live a life where you can choose your path every day.
25 Ways To Be Happier In Your 20s
Jul. 17, 2014, 9:00 AM
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